Cigarette Sale Increases Alarmingly In Pandemic

There are no benefits of smoking, and yet it is one of the most common and popular addictions. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, there was an alarming increase in the purchase of cigarettes. One can think of multiple reasons for the same. Nevertheless, it is better to give up the addiction because it is seriously harmful. If you smoke or know someone who does, read the following to know why you must give it up.

Why Did Smoking increase During the Pandemic?


One of the biggest reasons why smoking increased during lockdown and pandemics is stress. There was a lot of tension, anxiety, and anticipation regarding jobs, the disease, necessities, and the collapsing health system. Stress and anxiety trigger negative thoughts, and those who are weak for cigarettes will give into the harmful indulgence.


Unfortunately, boredom is a big issue because people had nothing to do during the pandemic. With work from home setting in, many losing jobs, many businesses not being able to function like before, people had nothing much to do. Sitting at home, lazing around, seems fun once or twice but not daily. When boredom seeps into daily life, people give into harmful indulgence.


While there was a considerable section of people that did not have much to do, there were some professionals who had to work day and night. The press, healthcare industry, banks, and other essential sectors had to go to work despite all tension and trouble. Moreover, there was an increase in workload since normalcy was compromised. This caused pressure which led to smoking.

Why You Must Give Up Smoking?


The primary reason not to smoke is Covid itself. People will low immunity, breathing troubles, and weaker lungs are more vulnerable to this disease. It increases the mortality rate by a considerable margin, and hence, you must be careful. Most people hardly know much about the disease, and if you weaken yourself, you just make it worse.


Smoking compromises your ability to breathe freely. It reduces your stamina, makes you restless, nervous, and agitated. It prevents you from working out longer than usual. It affects your walking speed, the ability to think straight, and much more. It also affects the smell of your breath and your teeth.

It may also cause cancer; hence be careful. It would be best if you had radiology for various diagnoses. For a safe and enriching experience, choose sepStream®. They have medical imaging facilities that are very developed and will meet your need and requirements.