Long-Standing Obesity Might Damage The Heart Long Before The Symptoms Appear

Good health guarantees healthy living. Bodyweight is one of the primary factors that decide the overall quality of health. Bodyweight is one parameter that indicates several health aspects.

From cardiac health to muscular agility, several physical functionalities depend on body weight. With time, the food basket is becoming richer and more diverse. However, the amount of physical work is diminishing simultaneously.
Moreover, the diverse urban food basket often remains filled with high-calorie food items instead of nutrient-rich varieties. Consequently, more than one-third of America’s population suffers from obesity.

Obesity is a health condition characterized by abnormal body weight. The number of obese people in the United States has only increased over the last few years. From teenagers to octogenarians, everyone can suffer from obesity in the U.S.

While obesity is a health problem, it also impacts several other health parameters.

Impact Of Long-Term Obesity

If adults remain obese for quite a substantial time of their lives, they might suffer from cardiac diseases in the long run. Long-term obesity enhances the risk of cardiac arrests and other cardiac problems. The Journal of Internal Medicine’s new study has made these consequences of obesity very clear in their latest publication.

The Study

Almost 10,000 patients participated in the Trøndelag Health Study. The researchers checked the levels of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) in these participants. After tracking the patients for decades, the researchers took the first data during the period of 1984 and 1986.

The final data collection took place during 2017 and 2019. The sample population that participated in the study had 59% women in it. The median age of this group was around 68.7 years.

The Outcome

The concentration of cTnI is an extremely sensitive index of subclinical myocardial injury. Almost 84.1% of the participants had a considerable concentration of the same element in their bodies. People, suffering from obesity or being overweight over the entire period of the study, turned out to be more prone to this cTnI concentration. The presence of diabetes hardly had anything to do with this trend.

The Conclusion

According to the lead author of this study, Magnus N. Lyngbakken, MD, PhD, of the University of Oslo and the Akershus University Hospital mentioned that the relation between overt cardiac diseases and obesity is undeniable.
However, their study further showed that long-standing obesity can also harm the cardiac system even before visible symptoms appear. Therefore the inevitability of weight control becomes all more pressing for controlling subclinical cardiac failures.

Health is precious and everyone should be aware of the potential threats obesity inflicts. Early detection of diseases often helps in prompt treatment. Radiology and imaging technology are two excellent tools for diagnosing critical diseases.

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