Researchers Found That 65% of Radiologists Suffer From Computer Vision Syndrome – Called For Legislative Action

Academic Radiology recently published a study that revealed a stunning fact. It also unearthed that almost 65% of radiologists suffer from an optical condition called computer vision syndrome. This surely is an alarming revelation for the medical; care industry.

The fate of many patients relies on the interpretations of the radiologists. Therefore, accuracy is one thing that cannot be compromised. Hence, the researchers have called for both legislative and preventative measures to address the problem.

Computer Vision Syndrome

According to American Optometric Association’s definition, computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a combination of vision-oriented and eye-related problems. This trouble generally arises when one remains exposed to devices with digital displays for a long time. Dry eyes, tired eyes, double or blurred vision, sore eyes are some common symptoms associated with this syndrome.

With the up-gradation of mage interpretation techniques, radiology has shifted from its traditional practice. Instead of physical films, radiologists now use digital outputs for interpretation. This is aggravating the problem every day.

Ayman S. Alhasan works with the medical imaging and radiology department of Saudi Arabia’s Taibah University. Waseem A. Aalam is an MD from the Ophthalmology Department of Saud Arabia’s Jeddah University. Both of them explained that prolonged exposure to a computer screen can enhance the chances of CVS in radiologists.

The Detailed Outcome

To conduct the study, the team sent web-based surveys to 416 radiology residents and radiologists in Saudi Arabia. The results showed that 65.4% of the participants had CVS.

Researchers broke down the study results into further sections based on the severity of the syndrome. This effort further revealed that 188 participants out of 416 had mild problems, and 69 were suffering from moderate issues. Only 15 cases had severe vision issues.

The report further confirmed that women were more susceptible to this problem. The study also confirmed that exposure to a computer monitor over 20 hours increases the probability of CVS. Therefore, the ones with less than 20 hours of exposure have fewer chances of CVS.

The Symptoms And Prevention

Most people complained about dry eyes, burning eyes, and headaches. 50% of the affected people also complained about increased light sensitivity and blurred vision.

The authors clarified that taking a frequent break from the work can be a way to avoid prolonged screen hours. Not using digital devices frequently after work can be another solution to reducing screen time. The team also suggested hydrating eyes from time to time to prevent dryness.

Last but not least, the team urged the radiologists to track their eye problems regularly, if any, and to keep a record of those. Undergoing regular eye checkups can be a useful way of detecting the syndrome and preventing its progress.

The team further requested for intervention of European legislation to guarantee regular eye checks for radiologists.

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