Tag: Imaging

6 Smart Ways To Integrate Non Physician Practitioners Into Imaging Practice

There is no denying that the importance of non-physician practitioners in the medical and healthcare industry remains indispensable. Almost every domain of medical services gets impacted by their involvement in more ways than one. Radiology too can benefit from the wholehearted participation of NPPs in this critical medical care domain. Here are a few smart […]

A New Survey Identified Publication Bias And Scientific Misconduct To Be Serious Sources Of Concern In Cardiovascular Imaging Research

Cases of publication bias and misconduct in the medical care domain are not new things. However, such incidents often do not muster enough attention due to the absence of evidence.  Recently, a study has offered substantial evidence supporting publication bias and scientific misconduct related to the field of cardiovascular research. These outcomes have certainly iterated […]

A New Imaging Study Casts Light Of Hope On Patients With PACS

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on mankind for two years. Within this short span, the pandemic has claimed millions of lives and has left many with its long-term impacts. The primary concern regarding the COVID infection’s persistent symptoms was its longevity. The entire medical world was worried about the complete eradication of those syndromes. Patients suffering […]

Compressed Sensing AI, Helium-free Systems, and Many More are the Latest MRI Trends

No one couldn’t agree more if it is said that technological advancements have revolutionized the healthcare sector to a significant extent. Diagnosing complex health problems and treating the same is no more trouble with the advent of an eclectic range of diagnostic and healthcare equipment. Keep reading to learn about the latest MRI trends.   […]

The Fate of the Person Guilty of a Homicide Depends on Her Brain Scans’ Varying inferences

According to a new research study by a reputed neuroscientist from an esteemed University in Chicago, individuals who commit murders have reduced gray matter. Mainly in the brain’s regions linked with social cognition, behavioral regulation and emotional processing, reductions in gray matter were evident. The same condition was not apparent in people guilty of other […]

The Medical Imaging Community Is Feeling More Alarmed Than Ever Due To the Ongoing Helium Shortage

Proper healthcare begins with the timely detection of diseases. With modern science and technological advancements helping in every step of disease detection, treating critical diseases like cancer and neurological issues has now become possible. MRI or magnetic resonance imaging plays a crucial role in ensuring the early and accurate detection of such diseases. Additionally, the […]

Cutting Off Errors: Structured Feedback Between Referrers and Radiologists may Improve Overall Patient Care

Diagnostic reports play a critical role in ensuring the fast recovery of serious condition patients in ICUs. All patients in the intensive care unit suffer from critical health conditions and need prompt and error-free treatment. Any amount of negligence or delay in error recognition can become a matter of life and death for them. A […]

Urgent Medical Care Centers Help The Hospital Systems Save Hundreds And Thousands Of Imaging Costs

The medical care domain has always been one of the pillars of every country. Be it a developed country or a developing one, the quality of medical care offered paves the path to a brighter future for all nations. The primary challenge for the medical care sector remains the efficient allocation of resources. Once the […]

Imaging Surveillance Programs Can Detect Pancreatic Cancer At An Early Stage

Diseases like cancer need early detection for complete recovery. When your physician gets to know about the exact condition of the malignant cells, taking the appropriate route of treatment becomes convenient. On the flip side, late detection of fatal diseases like cancer can put your life to risk. The latest study on imaging surveillance’s impact […]

Contrast Shortage Update: U.S. Providers Can Now Order Bayer Contrast Media with Foreign Labels, USA Granted Permission

The shortage of iodinated contrast media is no longer a less-known matter. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the USA has recently granted Bayer’s permission for importing Ultravist from other countries to dissipate the impact of the ongoing shortage. According to Bayer’s communications, Ultravist, intended for the USA market, and the contrast agent share a […]

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