Vaping is as Fatal as Smoking Cigarettes, the Same Rate of Blood Vessels Damage Detected

According to the latest research presented at the American Heart Association Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Session in 2021, the aerosol that emits from modern vaping devices like e-cigarettes may cause as much harm to the blood vessels as cigarettes. Hence, the impact can be easily compared to smoking cigarettes.

Matthew L. Springer, Ph.D., and a professor at the University of California, in San Francisco School of Medicine, also a senior author, was quoted saying in a press release, “When a person inhales mist or particles from any suspension, whether it is marijuana or tobacco, aerosol or some, the effect is the same.” The author also added, “Our research also reinforces the findings of the pays that vaping is also harmful. It underscored the basis of patients who come for counseling about vaping and its risk factors because it affects cardiovascular functions.”

Springer and their team investigated aerosols and their effects on different vaping devices that seemed to diminish the function of blood vessels. They also compared 11 different batches of rats with 8 rats on a group and exposed them to 9 types of vaping products versus control groups of clean air and combustible cigarettes.

The team also found that the latest vaping device, which heats tobacco rather than burning it, caused 7.3 times extra nicotine compared to blood than e-cigarettes of the past. Furthermore, it caused 8.7 times extra nicotine compared to any other modern device using ultrasonic vibrations for producing e-cigarette aerosol.

The findings revealed:

  • After one exposure for 5 minutes, endothelial function was impaired in rats due to aerosols from vaping products. Moreover, vessel dilation reduced and stayed between 40 percent and 67 percent for every group of rats that were exposed to fresh air.
  • The impairment of blood vessels in various vaping products was compared to impairment due to traditional cigarettes.

The research further emphasized that reduced function of the endothelium can cause atherosclerosis, another risk factor associated with myocardial infarction and stroke.

Springer also highlighted, “The approach that was used for studying vascular functions in rats closely looks like the same as humans. This may be considered rodent-equivalent of some common clinical measures in humans of the brachial artery, which is also the main blood vessel of the upper arms of humans. It may be further expressed that e-cigarettes can also impair human vascular function. If any aerosol or mist that rats inhale causes the adverse effect, it is likely to happen in human beings, too.”

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