Category: Medical Imaging

4 Emerging Challenges That Holding Back Teleradiology from Confirming Widespread Access to Imaging

Teleradiology was facing an impending threat. However, it has successfully evolved from the treat to traditional imaging to accepted practices improving access to patient care. Several departments have already used some form of reads from the outside, though experts believe that it is yet to reach the full potential. A team of six experienced radiologists […]

Warning for Congressional Leaders: Planned Cuts in Medicare Might Cripple Specialty Providers

Radiology groups continue the full-court press opposing congressional leaders and seeking immediate relief to prevent tens of millions of cuts in Medicare to specialty, which is all set to arrive soon. Their latest plea was in the form of a letter written to Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker, and Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader. […]

Know About Imaging Giant Radiology Partners Take on Artificial Intelligence in Private Practice

Inarguably, the world is evolving at a rapid pace, primarily because of the continuous remarkable technological advancements. At present, artificial intelligence is indeed one such realm, which possibly no industry would even dare to overlook. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an integral branch of computer science and is regarded as an effort to simulate or mimic […]

Below 40% of providers comply with the follow-up suggestions of radiologists when it comes to incidental findings

Astounding advancements in medical science and technology and have significantly revolutionized the healthcare sector. The gross count of incidental findings is increasing steadily with the continuous improvement in imaging quality and its proper utilization. It is mainly on medical care setting and healthcare provider type, compliance with suggested follow-up examinations for these findings are dependent […]

40% of Less Providers Adhere to Follow-up Recommendations by Radiologists for Incidental Findings

With the rising trend of imaging quality as well as use, several secondary or incidental findings follow. However, new studies suggest that patients must adhere to recommended follow-up examinations for incidental discoveries are largely dependent on the type of provider and care settings. Doctors at the University of California discovered this at the Davis Medical […]

Walmart Health has ‘bold ambitions’ to ramp up expansion into imaging and other care

One year ago, Walmart opened its first-ever Walmart Heath clinic in Dallas, Georgia. With an aim to become America’s trusted healthcare provider, the company ventured into high-quality, preventive health services at affordable and transparent prices. Established in September 2019, Walmart Health began operations at its doctor-run clinic in Dallas, offering services like X-rays, dental exams, […]

Zero Errors Assured With Automated And Structured Reporting

According to the latest Duke University study exploring the efficacy of different Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System strategies, imaging for thyroid ultrasound sees a new dawn. By adopting an automated and fully structured reporting template, it is possible to minimize errors down to nil. The study was published in the recent JACR. Testing four […]

Survey Records High Levels of Psychological Stress, Anxiety In Radiologists During Pandemic

Radiologists in the United States of America are experiencing increasingly high levels of psychological stress and anxiety during the ongoing pandemic reveals a new survey released recently. Polling approximately 700 physicians, an estimated 61 percent of respondents labeled the level of their anxiety at 7 or more on a scale of 10 points. The numbers […]

Nearly 70% Of Radiology Practices Have Applied For Financial Relief During The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the deadliest the century has seen. It has not only claimed thousands of lives but also shocked the economies gravely. The radiology imaging services, in particular, are experiencing a grim situation at present. As the pandemic continues to rule the market, besides claiming millions of lives, it has also […]

Walmart and Imaging

Healthcare, no matter how noble the task may seem, is a business at the end of the day. If the economic feasibility of the services related to the healthcare industry fails to stand, the sector will fail to meet the market demand as well. The prosperity and sustainability of a nation depend largely on the […]

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